Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm held a Salon "Management of Ill Employee"

 2018-04-19  1848

At 2:00 PM on April 19, 2018, Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm held the third Law Salon of 2018. The theme is "Management of Ill Employee". Senior lawyer Amber Fan was the host. Firstly, she explained in detail "medical treatment period", "sick leave" and "shutdown leaves with salary" , which are very easy to mix up. Then she talked about the caculation of period of medical treatment and sick pay and how to determine the starting time of the longest period of medical treatment, how to crack the problem "Malingering" . Finally she shared the skills of gathering evidence. At the end, all the participants exchanged their views about layoffs, dismissing employees, inductrial injury accident, etc. legal issues. More salons held by Shanghai Nuo Di Law Firm is to be continued.